Vest od održanom naučnom skupu Balkan Workshop BW2013 i obeležavanju deset godina rada SEENET-MTP mreže objavljena je na sajtu Evropskog društva fizičara (e-EPS).
“Under the aegis and with the suppport of the European Physical Society [EPS], the Kick-off Meeting of the EPS Committee of European Integration [EPS-CEI] and the Balkan Workshop BW2013 – Beyond Standard Models in Cosmology and Particle Physics, the central meeting of the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics [SEENET-MTP] in 2013, were held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, from 25-29 April 2013. In total 78 participants from 25 countries came for the events. Around 30 invited scientific talks, 15 panel presentations and several posters were presented.”
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